No, you aren't at the wrong blog. I was getting a bit bored with the old look. Thought I'd change things up a bit.
Welcome to the new and maybe improved MommaMissy blog!
I'm discovering there are a lot of cool things you can do with blogs that I've never even tried before. So I thought I'd wing it. I'm flirting with the idea of learning how to customize my blog and do lots more neato stuff with it. Like fancy-schmancy slideshows. And Buttons! But then I'd probably have to get a little better at maintaining my posts. Hmmm. Dilemma. My little one's are already fed up with the amount of time I spend on the computer. I'm afraid there'd be mutiny on this bounty if I lingered longer online (how's that for alliteration!). We'll see how it goes. For now, I'm trying to do more but smaller posts with fewer pictures.
And to that end...
Hubby returned from his ice-fishing extravaganza in Canada. He was gone for six days. I was praying daily for patience and strength and thankful that he timed it well with my...ahem...female cycle. Let's just say, had he taken the trip two weeks later, my kids would have had ringing ears and VERY early bedtimes. As it was, I held it all together pretty well. But we were all extremely happy to see Daddy again. And once again am ever so grateful for the wonderful man God put in my life.
Kids are doing great. Cooper is thiiiiiiiiis close to walking. He's taken to crawling on hands and FEET in hopes of getting to his destination a bit faster. Cate is bored with everything and has suddenly developed an aversion to all food. Clare had a nasty bout of mono a few weeks back but is fully recovered and back to her hijinks. However, she has this very mature and wise nature about her. It's a strange but beguiling mix. Attley is all shaved up and ready for the warm weather.
Me? I'm doing good but I am frustrated with my overall health (which is code word for my weight). I am trying to do all things pertaining to my health better. Relaxing more. Exercising more. Eating less and better. Cutting out sugar (the biggy). get's me nowhere. Which is to say I haven't lost any weight. Somehow, we have in our minds that if we do all things better then SOMEHOW we will lose weight. But it's not happening. So I'm going to see a hormone doctor. I'm quite convinced my body is starting to want to close up shop in the fertility department soon. While I do not want to actually produce anything (i.e. anyone), I do not want cobwebs growing on all my equipment, either! So we'll see what they say and see if there's anything I can do that I haven't thought of yet. I'll keep you posted.
I'd love to hear what you think of the new layout. Or anything else you'd like to say. And if anyone has any tips on cool things to add to a blog, let me know that too.
Until next time....
Monday, April 06, 2009
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