Monday, August 07, 2006

Bless you Mommy

We all survived the weekend. I had a great time hanging out with Lori and Cath at the cabin and then on Sunday, at Ruttger's. Just the right amount of socializing, sleeping and alone time. Scott fared well with the little one's down in Waterloo. The sleep schedules got a little screwed up but that's because he's not a sleep nazi like I am. And now I'm in love-fest mode with my girls. I could just eat them up. Clare sprouted a new tooth over the weekend, her 3rd. Cate just called, "Bless you Mommy" from across the room after I coughed. So sweet. I really missed them, and Scotty too (and Attley too) while they were gone. It made me realize (again) how empty my life would be if they weren't in it. The rest of my life would stretch out like a big void and I'd carry a sadness with me all the time, even after I'd "gotten over it". So, while weekends away alone are great and something I really need, I'm most content here at home with my family. That may change when I have two teenage girls in the house and I'm going through menopause, however.

1 comment:

Strats said...

First, welcome to Blogland Missy!! Second, stop making me all teary!