Sunday, September 30, 2007

Layin low

This baby has some disco fever tonight. Holy cow! But I love it. I love feeling our newest little one moving around in there. In fact, after I had both Cate and Clare, I missed feeling them inside of me. They are so safe and close inside and you feel so out of control when they are outside. We're pretty sure this is our last one so I'm trying to savor every moment. I was having a little trouble doing that a couple weeks ago. I've had sciatica pain my entire pregnancy. For those who don't know what that is, trust me, it sucks. It's a searing back pain that hits you every time your rise from a bent over position. Which, if you're a mom of toddlers, is about every 2 seconds. Well, as I said I've had this pain until a couple of weeks ago. What changed? I stopped taking my nightly walk. I've been trying to walk to keep my weight down on this pregnancy. For the past couple of weeks it's been raining and we've had things going on so I wasn't able to walk. Lo and behold, my back got better. Not completely but significantly. So I've decided to take the next couple of weeks off to hopefully completely heal it. I'm hoping that I can start walking again after that. Although, I may get addicted to every TV program on every night at this rate. I feel like such a slug. But hopefully it's helping.

Scott and I planted a nice Black Hills Spruce this weekend to complete our evergreen screen on the side of our back yard. It looks really great and the best part is how cheaply we got it. I had a 75% off coupon at a local nursery so we got a 7' tree, normally priced at $342 for only $81! It's awesome! Next weekend (or at least one of these weekends) Scott's going to construct some steps down the steep part of our back yard. Should look great when he's all done. Other than that, I think our outside projects will be done for a while. Then I'll sick him on some inside stuff.

Well, I know this is a little short, but I've got a show to watch. See. It's happening already.


Oscar's Dad said...

You are prego again?

Have you kids heard of "condoms"?


-johnny c

MommaMissy said...

Thanks Johnny. Yeah, I feel like I've been pregnant for 4 years now. We're thinking this is the last one though so that I don't have to hear smarty-alec comments from your ilk any longer! Just wait, you will soon be hearing plenty of..."So, when are you two going to start a family" if you haven't already.

MommaMissy said...

Thanks Johnny. Yeah, I feel like I've been pregnant for 4 years now. We're thinking this is the last one though so that I don't have to hear smarty-alec comments from your ilk any longer! Just wait, you will soon be hearing plenty of..."So, when are you two going to start a family" if you haven't already.

MommaMissy said...

Thanks Johnny. Yeah, I feel like I've been pregnant for 4 years now. We're thinking this is the last one though so that I don't have to hear smarty-alec comments from your ilk any longer! Just wait, you will soon be hearing plenty of..."So, when are you two going to start a family" if you haven't already.