Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Site Seeing

I know, I know. It takes me almost a month to get a new posting on here and then WHAM I post 2 days in a row. I'm crazy like that. But I just came across two mildly interesting sites that can waste a few minutes of time for you. These were sites listed in the Star Tribune today.


This site allows you to type in your name and see where it ranks in the US (based on 1990 census data).

For another (and cooler) take on the name game check out this site that my dad sent me. Very cool. Just type in a name and click boy/girl/both. It shows the frequency of that name at different times in history.



This site is actually for a broadband company in Britain but it asks you to plug in a few stats on yourself and then it tells you how much of your life you've spent doing certain things. Mildly interesting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.