Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hopalong Attley

Just a quick post for now to update you on Attley. I'll try to post pictures later.

Attley is now a 3-legged dog. He's doing amazingly well with both walking and recovery. He went in for the CAT scan on Thursday. The spot they thought was an abnormality was nothing and the rest of his lungs looked nice and clear, which was especially good news considering the CAT scan can see even more detail than an X-ray. There was one small (1 cm) nodule located on his chest wall. They aspirated it and found no cancer cells. Our oncologist told us that it was not consistent with this type of cancer and their belief was that it was possibly scar tissue from an earlier injury or just a fatty deposit. Her gut said that it was something we shouldn't be too concerned about and felt we should still go ahead with treatment. Since she's an expert, and probably because we wanted to believe her, we agreed and approved them to go ahead with the amputation on Friday morning.

Friday morning was sad for me thinking of them chopping off his leg and thinking how much harder life would be for him now. But we got the call later in the day that the surgery went fine and he was sleeping.

We picked him up on Saturday and were surprised at how well he could walk already. He's continuing to improve his gait and navigation of stairs and seems to be coming out of the worst of the pain. And other than a liver scare due to the Deramaxx he was on, he's doing pretty well.

More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad Attley is doing well,
it's hard to watch a loved one
in pain.