December is zooming by so I thought I had better get a post out before the new year starts. We've been having a great holiday season so far. We started out with a trip to visit Santa and pick out our Christmas tree the first weekend of December. The girls ate a ton of cookies, sat on Santa's lap and we got a gorgeous frazier fir. We were supposed to go to a Christmas party that night but I was too bushed after decorating all day and Scott still wanted to get all his outdoor lights up. He's becoming more and more like Clark Griswald every year!

The next weekend we made a trip downtown to see the holidazzle parade and Macy's 8th floor display of The Nutcracker. We only saw 10 minutes of the parade due to Scott's insistence on taking light rail. But we couldn't find a place to park the car anywhere on Hiawatha so we ended up driving all over and eventually right into downtown and one of the parking ramps there. Fiasco. Then we rushed downstairs of Macy's to grab a bite to eat. I then proceeded to flip the remaining pieces of pizza on the floor that Scott was hoping to finish. We rushed back upstairs in time to see the last 3 floats of the parade. The girls still thought it was pretty cool. Then we saw the nutcracker display which the girls also thought was really cool. After that we did a quick sit on another Santa's lap (I wonder when they'll figure out why all these Santas look so different).

The following weekend we attended our neice McKenna's 3rd b-day party, and went to the Swayne's holiday open house. The result was ingesting a lot of food and feeling stuffed all weekend! But they were both really fun events. Scott's folks came to our house on Sunday afternoon to spend a few days. The girls always love having Grandma and Grandpa over.

The next Monday (just a few days ago) both Scott and I were able to attend Cate's preschool with her to celebrate Jesus b-day. It was really fun to see her in a new environment with all the kids. Those preschool teachers should be paid a million bucks! They really have a knack for keeping these little 3 year olds occupied and in order. Scott took the remainder of the day off (yes, he's FINALLY done with his big project at work) and we just had a really nice family day. Tuesday night (last night) was Cate's preschool Christmas concert. Both sets of Grandparents were here to watch. We served pizza beforehand and managed to completely burn over half of one of the pizzas causing all the smoke detectors to go off and leaving an awful stench in the house. But we still managed to get out the door on time. The concert was so darn cute. There's always the one kid who is belting out the words completely out of time. No, it wasn't Cate, she was dutifully doing all the correct gestures and singing on cue. We all had a great time.

And that brings us to today. Cate and Clare are both on Christmas break from their schools until January. This is the first Wed in months that we didn't have to rush out the door for school. Grandma and Grandpa left this morning and it's just me and the girls. We've been vegging all morning which has been really nice. Christmas is a week away. I have pretty much all my shopping done but have one or two more things to get which I can do this weekend. I feel good about this season. I've managed to keep the stress level low while still doing all the fun Christmas things I've wanted to do.
Baby is doing fine. I'm feeling much better than I did even a month ago which is making a big difference in my attitude towards being pregnant. I know once Christmas is past us, this little one will be knocking on the door, wanting to get out. I guess I should start to get organized for that! But it can wait for now. I've got about a month.
I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas/holiday season. More to come in 2008!