I have been on hiatus, it appears. I can't believe that my last post was in May and here it is, well into July already. Summer is zooming by. We haven't been doing much except spending a lot of time outside. All the kids have been enjoying the weather and so have I. Why hang out in front of your computer typing away when you can be outside soaking in the sun, digging in the dirt and in general enjoying life?!
Here's the quick and dirty update on us Schwakes. The girls took their very first dance classes in June. I think they both liked it a lot so I signed them up for dance in the fall. Well, they'd better like it because I plunked down a nice wad of dough on their ballet and tap shoes! I've gotten Cate involved in a 'play at the park' gig where I drop her off every Wed for a couple of hours at a local park where they do activities and such. My goal was to get the two girls away from each other a bit so that they weren't constantly fighting. But of course Cate doesn't like it. It was inexpensive so I'm not gonna be super pushy on her going every time - it only goes through July. Cooper has finally gotten the hang of the walking thing. And thus the injuries have started. And he doesn't do piddly injuries like scrapes and bruises. Not my kid. No, he goes all out and KNOCKS OUT HIS FRONT TOOTH! That's right, he sporting the hockey look. He fell over at church and it was bye bye baby tooth. I'd better cut his hair in a mullet to complete the look, don't ya think?
We spent 4th of July weekend up at the lake again and it was splendid! I don't know if the hormones I'm taking are kicking in or if the little chat I had with Scotty sunk in but I had a ball up there! Gorgeous weather, lots of leisurly time, simple meals. It was great!
Oh and speaking of hormones, I found out that my body is making virtually no progesterone nor testosterone. Which explains why I've always had so much trouble sleeping, get so many headaches and why my irritation with my kids this past year was through the roof. I've been on bioidentical hormones and I've been feeling so good!! And sleeping like a dream! It's been awesome! Now if they can just melt all this flab around my belly, I'd be truly happy.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. I'll post pictures soon. I have a ton to download from my camera which will take plenty of time. Or I won't. It's been so nice I just don't want to hang out inside. I need a rainy day!!
Take care all. I'm off to dreamland. Yay!